12 Labours of Hercules IV: Mother Nature Collector's Edition

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( 3.5 / 5 ) -

The legendary hero Hercules and his wife Megara are back, ready to embark on their next adventure! The Gods are outraged at their defeat and have summoned a fearsome beast who can match Hercules's god-like strength. The beast has trampled the countryside, turning lush gardens into desert wastelands! Restore the world's beauty by using everything at your disposal, from Megara's magical abilities to even a fire hydrant! Team up with friendly allies like King Midas and Epeius with his famous Trojan Horse to save Mother Nature from destruction. [200]

12 Labours of Hercules IV: Mother Nature Collector's Edition:
  • Over 50 levels with new music and a new story!
  • Secret Challenges! Certain levels have hidden objects!
  • Atmospheric wallpapers and integrated Strategy Guide
  • Also features a bonus episode with a different story!
  • Build the mighty Trojan Horse!

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